These kinds of attacks have happened before to other minority groups that are insufficiently woke. But attacks on same-sex attraction are prevalent enough to warrant discussion about how recent attempts to dismiss biology from sex and gender have negatively impacted same-sex attracted individuals. Thankfully, many on the left still understand the legitimacy of sexual orientation. Being propositioned by someone who you’re sexually incompatible with doesn’t give you licence to humiliate them - but respect goes both ways, and gay men shouldn’t be shamed for enforcing their sexual boundaries. Now, to be fair, some gay men are cruel towards trans people who want to date them - and, rather than respectfully declining their advances, treat them as lepers. The aforementioned Google album includes tweets that excoriate gay men for “centering their sexuality around liking d**k” - tweets that lecture gay men about how being “obsessed” with male anatomy is “bioessentialist” and about how “same sex attraction isn’t a thing.” This advertisement has not loaded yet, but your article continues below. Manage Print Subscription / Tax Receipt.